Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Patrick Dougherty to Speak at Iowa State University Tonight!

Don't miss this opportunity to hear Patrick Dougherty as he presents, "Building Sculpture on Location: A Melding of Design and Community" tonight at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Great Room at Iowa State University. Parking is available adjacent to the MU in the parking ramp. The public is invited to attend.

Dougherty was invited to give his lecture as part of the College of Design's 30th Anniversary.

Read more:
Inside Iowa State:

College of Design:

Ames Public Art Commision:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Photos! See the progress!

This past weekend drew many interested visitors to the site. [Photo credits: Cathy Gersema]

Major parts of the installation are taking shape already.

Many stopped to chat and explore on their walks or jogs around the lake.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Come help when you can, as you are, whenever...

This morning was beautiful, sunny, breezy and warm. The birds were chirping, and Patrick and the volunteers out at Ada Hayden accomplished a lot. Many out passing by on the trail stopped to watch, visit and ask questions about the project. A couple people even stopped to help when they found out they were welcome even without calling ahead. Several others promised to come help after checking their schedules to see when they were available.

This is the important message we want everyone in the Community to know: You're all welcome to help. You don't have to call ahead. The only reason we've asked people to call the Ames City Manager's Office is so we can have an idea of which days we still need to recruit volunteers and which days we have plenty of helpers. If you do know ahead of time when you can help, then please call 515-239-5101. If you find yourself with an hour or two and want to chip in, feel free to head out to Ada Hayden and lend a hand. We'd love to have you!

You don't have to be artistically-inclined or an artist to help. There are several projects you can do besides weaving the branches into the sculpture. One gentleman this morning watched the volunteers picking up fallen twigs and sticks for awhile, then stepped forward and announced, "I can do that! Where can I help?"

If you'd like to see which days more volunteers are especially needed, please visit:

All we ask is for people to come, help, and enhance our community through this project.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Public Invited to Attend Lectures by Patrick Dougherty

Be sure to attend these upcoming lectures by Patrick Dougherty, environmental sculptor, while he is in Ames, working at Ada Hayden Park on a large willow sculpture near the shelter house.

Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 7pm - Ames City Auditorium
"Primitive Ways in an Accelerated World"
Mingle afterwards over refreshments in the lobby and visit with Patrick.
For more information, visit:

Tuesday, October 8, 2008 at 7pm - Memorial Union Great Room at Iowa State University
"Building Sculpture on Location: A Melding of Design & Community"
Parking is available in the Memorial Union parking ramp.
For more information, visit:

If you're interested in helping with this community project at Ada Hayden, please call the Ames City Manager's Office at 515-239-5101 to volunteer.

Urgent Call for More Volunteers

Patrick Dougherty is here in Ames and working at Ada Hayden Park in earnest. The installation is quickly taking shape. An urgent request is being sent to the Ames Community for more volunteers to assist Patrick. A special web page has been created showing the time slots still available:

To reserve your timeslot and volunteer, call the Ames City Manager's Office at
(515) 239-5101.