Friday, April 23, 2010

World-Renowned Artist To Visit Ames

A world-renowned artist who was commissioned for work at the Vancouver Winter Olympics this year is coming to Ames.

Peter Irniq will visit Ames from May 5-7. Irniq creates inuksuit, stone landmarks used by the Inuit, Inupiat, Kalaallit, Yupik, and other peoples of the Arctic region of North America. Inuksuit may have been used for navigation, as a point of reference, a marker for hunting grounds, or as a food cache.

Irniq, who is an Inuit cultural activist, will be exploring the possibility of constructing inuksuit in Ames. His visit will include a tour of the parks of the city.

Irniq explains inuksuit in the video featured above.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Ames Art Experience

Art lovers will enjoy a discussion group that will meet at the Ames Public Library later this month.

The "Ames Art Experience" invites residence to view pieces of art then discuss them. On Thursday, April 22, the group will discuss the work of Bill Barrett at 7 pm at the Founder's Suite at the Ames Public Library, which is located at 515 Douglas Avenue.

Participants are encouraged to view his outdoor sculptures located at ISU’s Gerdin Building and in the Elizabeth and Byron Anderson Sculpture Garden as well as his expressive canvases and sculptural maquettes in the Christian Petersen Art Museum atISU’s Morrill Hall before the discussion.

The presentation is free and is sponsored by Ames and the Ames Public Library.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ames Mural Program

At its April meeting, the Ames Public Art Commission voted unanimously to endorse the efforts of the group called "Ames" in their effort to create the first community-created mural in Ames.

A design team from Ames will map out the mural's outline on the north wall of the T-Galaxy building in Campustown, and community volunteers will join in the actual painting.

Since the project will take place on private property, the Commission can't provide financial support, but encourages the public to volunteer for this exciting project. Complete details can be found here.

Welcome New Members!

Each April, the Ames Public Art Commission welcomes new members.

This year, the Commission is pleased to be joined by Christopher Betts, Greg Fuqua, and Bill LaGrange.

The Commission is a very active committee and the new members will be choosing soon to serve on one or more subcommittees such as fund-raising, public relations, or overseeing ongoing projects such as Art Around The Corner and Neighborhood Sculpture.

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Neighborhood Sculptures!

The Ames Public Art Commission annually selects up to four sculptures to be displayed in downtown Ames for a year as part of it's "Art Around The Corner" program.

Ames neighborhoods are then given the opportunity to acquire one of the sculptures on display as part of its "Neighborhood Sculpture" program.

The Commission has approved the following placements for 2010: "Untitled Flower" at the entrance to Munn Woods; "Rising Wave" (pictured) at the new Don & Ruth Furman Aquatic Center and "Change on Your Dollar" in Country Gables Park.

Be sure to look for this year's new displays in downtown Ames and be thinking as to which sculpture would look good in YOUR neighborhood. Information on how to acquire one of the pieces is here.