Thursday, December 1, 2011

Amazing Photos Of Peter Irniq Visit

Photographer Clark Colby was on hand for every moment of the Peter Irniq visit to Ames.

This link will take you to over 100 photos of the 2010 "Artist In Residence" event.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Dedication Ceremony Tonight!

The public response to artist Peter Irniq during his visit to Ames has been remarkable.

Join us for a dedication ceremony and reception tonight at 6 at Brookside Park. Check out our Facebook page for pictures.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Peter Irniq At Ames Public Library Tonight

Two chances to see artist Peter Irniq today: he's building in Brookside Park and will be lecturing at Ames Public Library tonight.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Inuksuk Is Finished!

The first Inuksuk has been completed by Peter Irniq at Emma McCarthy Lee Park! Stop out and see it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Peter Irniq Is Ready To Build

Inuit artist Peter Irniq is in Ames! Be sure to come out and see him build Inuksuit in three different locations.

Irniq will be building on Tuesday, September 20 and Wednesday, September 21 and Emma McCarthy Lee Park. He'll provide a free lecture on Wednesday night at 7 at the Sun Room in the Memorial Union on the campus of Iowa State University.

Building at Emma McCarthy Lee Park continues on Thursday.

Irniq will appear on the "Mel In The Morning" show on KASI in Ames on Friday then begin building in Brookside Park.

He'll spend Sunday, September 25 at the Octagon Arts Festival and then resume building on Monday and Tuesday at Brookside Park.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (September 28, 29, and 30) will be building days at Ada Hayden Heritage Park. A reception and dedication ceremony is set for Brookside Park on September 30th at 6 pm.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Canada's Consul General To Help Dedicate Irniq Sculptures

The Ames Public Art Commission has finalized the agenda for the dedication and reception that will conclude Inuit artist Peter Irniq's visit to Ames. The PAC has also announced that Martin Loken, Canada's Consul General, will be part of the dedication.

Mr. Loken is Canada’s senior diplomatic representative in the Upper Midwest. As Consul General, he works to build cross-border trade, investment and technology partnering links. A member of Canada’s Foreign Service since 1990, he has represented Canada overseas in Prague and Geneva, and has held several positions in Ottawa, including as a senior trade negotiator.

The dedication and reception is set for Maple Shelter at Brookside Park in Ames at 6 p.m. on Friday, September 30th. Ames Mayor Ann Campbell and Ames city council members will also be present.

Light refreshments will be served to the public and music will be provided by World Port. Parking is directly south of the shelter off 6th Street, across from the skatepark.

Monday, July 18, 2011

PAC Spotlight: Art Around The Corner

Each year, the "Art Around The Corner" subcommittee of the Ames Public Art Commission selects up to four sculptures to display in downtown Ames.

The committee accepts entries from throughout the corner--and some sculptures end up being purchased by the committee and placed permanently in neighborhoods in Ames.

The entry period this year begins September 1. Here are the complete details.