Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Peter Irniq To Bring Inuit Art To Ames

In an earlier post, we highlighted the life and work of Inuit artist Peter Irniq in advance of a visit to Ames.

The Ames Public Art Commission has voted to bring him back to Ames in the fall of 2011 in order to build Inuit art and share Inuit culture with the people of the city.

Peter's visit and subsequent work is tentatively set for late September/early October 2011, which would coincide with the annual Ames Octagon Arts Festival.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Join Us At The Reiman Gardens Art Fair!

The Reiman Gardens Art Fair, an event celebrating "art in the garden and the garden in art" is set for Sunday, July 11 from 9 until 4 at the Gardens.

The Ames Public Art Commission will have a booth at the fair. We'll have information on how to order "Restless By Nature" prints--plus PAC members will be on hand to talk about the various Commmission projects that you read about on this blog.

Here's a list of artists at the event as well. Come see us!